(The character Sally Reardon from the tv series, "Felicity.")
Happy New Year! Posting a picture of one of my fave Christmas gifts...
My dad made this stand for my stampin' stuff! It has 2 drawers and 2 shelves (as you can see). Both are wide and deep enough for 12 x 12 paper, so that's super awesome! Dad made another one for my sister, only hers has 3 drawers and 1 shelf. We were very excited to what he came up with. My sister and I did a basic design of what we wanted, and Dad did the rest. I think it looks fantastic and I'm so excited to use it. I'll post a pic when it's all full of goodies too!
My bbe (best boyfriend ever) got me my camera!! He got the right one, and everything (Nikon Coolpix L810 in RED!) I haven't had a camera in 2 years, since my nephew decided to throw my camera in my sister's pool (good thing he is cute!). I've been too cheap to get another one. But the bbe done good! ;)
I had a fantastic Christmas. It didn't unfold the way it was planned (I'm a planner) but it was nice just the same. The bbe and I hosted Boxing Day dinner. We had 38 people in the house, some from my family, most from his. I'm glad that my family could make it; it's an almost 3 hour drive from my hometown to our house, and the weather cooperated...it was so awesome!!! I hope we can do it again next year. Perhaps with some lobster on the menu...

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